
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/19 20:19:48

Wuthering Heights had a history of 300 years. The old master, Mr. and Mrs. Earnshaw adopted a Gypsy orphan named Heathcliff. Mr. Earnshaw’s son, Hindley, abused him, but Hindley’s younger sister, Catherine, fell in love with him.
When Mr. and Mrs. Earnshaw were all dead, Hindley ordered Heathclifff to work in the field, Heathcliff was abused and suffered from hardship. But Catherine couldn’t leave him, even forgot his brother’s penalty.
Once they came to the Thrush Grange, peered at the master through the window. Catherine was bitten by the dog, the master kept her treating, but asked Heathcliff to leave rudely.
Catherine came back, and became gentle, when she saw Heathcliff again, she found him very dirty, and she was afraid that he would make her dress dirty. Heathcliff was hurt in esteem, he didn’t want to talk with Catherine any more.
The maidservant encouraged Heathcliff to make up himself, but Hindley and the young master of Thrushcross Grange, Edgar often